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Sitkari breath for hunger control

Hissing breath 2
Note: this technique should always be taught or learned from a competent
instructor to get full benefits
learn to breathe

Sitkari (and sithali) breathing is different to most of the yogic breathing techniques because you breathe in through the mouth and out through the nose.
Sitkari breathing is said to cool the body and bring relief to hunger, thirst and improve tolerance and bring about a peaceful expression if practiced correctly.
Advice - learn basic breathing meditation technique first or in conjunction with this exercise.
Practice Kalpalabhati breathing to help tone the muscles.

How to do it:

1. Place the tongue just touching the roof of the mouth

2. Close the teeth to gently touch

3. Breathe in, and as you breathe in you should make a hissing sound.
Keep breathing in so it feels like your tummy is moving out (with-out forcing it)
Once your abdomen is fully, comfortably extended, fill the chest and clavicle regions hold your breath

4. Hold your breath for a long as you comfortably can

5. Breathe out through the nose slowly, breathing out gently empty the clavicle and chest regions first then the abdomen

Practice sitkari a minimum of 3 to 10 times or as much as needed to help relieve hunger.

learn to breathe

Note: It is important to practice and fully understand basic breathing technique before moving on to the more advanced breathing practices for hunger control (Sithali and Sitkari), muscle toning (Kalpalabhati breathing) and deep meditation breathing for stress release and relaxation (Anuloma viloma).

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